Dr. Monroe receives year 2 funding from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
The grant will continue the year 1 Litwin IBD Pioneers Award grant to further develop shape memory polymer hydrogels for Crohn’s fistula closure.
The grant will continue the year 1 Litwin IBD Pioneers Award grant to further develop shape memory polymer hydrogels for Crohn’s fistula closure.
Congratulations to David on obtaining Syracuse University’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Works grant!
The 1 year grant supports innovative clinical and translational research projects with the potential to impact the treatment of IBD patients in the near future.… Read More »Dr. Monroe receives Litwin IBD Pioneers Award from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
Natalie presented her work on degradable shape memory polymer foam hemostats at the ECS Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Anand presented his work on degradable shape memory polymer foam hemostats at University of Rochester’s Frontiers in Materials Science for the 21st Century Symposium.
This grant will support Kat’s research on developing shape memory polymer hydrogels for wound healing. Read more.
This grant, in collaboration with Dr. Olga Makhlynets in Chemistry, will support work on antimicrobial hydrogels for wound dressings.